EOS Worldwide: Jeff Wedren & Gabby Matzdorff

We are Certified EOS Implementers--this means our full-time work is helping entrepreneurial owners and their leadership teams get what they want from their businesses through implementing the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS). We help identify and clarify the Vision of the organizations we serve (why they exist, where they're headed, and how to get there), we ensure Traction (execution, accountability, and discipline), and we help build Healthy teams--making sure the right people are in the right seats and are aligned in contributing to the successful future of the enterprise. We are immovably committed to helping first--without obligation--and we're excited to help EO Minnesota grow its members and its impact on the vibrant entrepreneurial community here in Minnesota.  

Jeff Wedren

Email: jeff.wedren@eosworldwide.com

Phone: 612.216.0986

Location: 7831 E. Bush Lake Rd. #209, Bloomington, MN 55439

Gabby Matzdorff

Email: gabby.matzdorff@eosworldwide.com

Phone: 763.370.3978